Dec. 27, 2023

Premiering in January '24!

Premiering in January '24!

For thousands of years, we've been conned into believing the worst about each other.  Now it's time to fight back, and put the 'kind' back in humankind.

Please subscribe to this podcast and stay tuned for new episodes starting in mid-January, 2024.

Follow The Great Ungaslighting on INSTAGRAM (@ungaslighting) and FACEBOOK.



Hey everybody, I'm Craig Boreth. I want to tell you about my new podcast coming in early 2024.  It's called The Great Ungaslighting.  It's about all the ways we've been conned into believing the worst about each other and how we can finally fight back and put the 'kind' back in humankind. 

It kind of reminds me of, do you remember in the original Blade Runner, when Deckert goes up to Tyrell Corporation headquarters and he's testing Rachel to see if she's a replicant. And it takes him way longer than usual because she doesn't know that she's a replicant. And then Harrison Ford has this killer line: "How can it not know what it is?"  It's kind of the same with us. We've been misinformed about our true nature. And the Eldon Tyrells of the world are happy to keep us in the dark.

So, in each episode of The Great Ungaslighting, we're going to learn to look at ourselves and each other a little bit differently. And then, we'll figure out ways to treat each other a little bit differently. And bit by bit, who knows, we might just change the world.  

But, to change the world, first we gotta spread the word. So do me a favor, forward this to everyone you know, and encourage them to subscribe to this podcast.  Thanks everybody, and I look forward to all of us beginning The Great Ungaslighting.